• Events.


  • Grievances and Refunds.

    Grievance and Refund Policy


    Play ‘N Learn Training, LLC is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Counseling Association’s Ethical Principles.  Play ‘N Learn Training, LLC will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants.  The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the Continuing Education Program Administrator.


    Play ‘N Learn Training, LLC recognizes that complaints will and do arise.  Complaints will be handled respectfully and every effort will be made to resolve the complaint in a timely manner.

    Grievance Policy

    Verbal or written complaints that are filed with the Continuing Education Program Administrator will adhere to the following guidelines to ensure efficient resolution:

    1.     Complaints relative to a speaker or workshop leader, contents of instructional materials being presented, or an individual educational style being utilized, the individual voicing the complaint is requested to first address concerns with the presenter.  The person voicing the complaint will place his/her comments in writing when the presenter is not available.  The Continuing Education Program Administrator will convey complaint to speaker as well as maintain confidentiality of the complainant.

    2.     Complaints concerning continuing education activities; content, level of presentation, or facilities in which the event is being held, the Continuing Education Program Administrator will attempt to resolve the matter as expeditiously as possible.  The offered resolutions are at the discretion of the Continuing Education Program Administrator.


    Refund Policy

    All refund requests must be made in writing 15 days in advance of the event.  A refund request made between 5 and 14 days in advance of the event will be given a partial refund (50%).  No refund will be given for cancellations within 5 days of the event for no-shows or failure to attend due to emergencies. Exceptions will not be made.


    If the event is canceled for any reason, you will receive a full refund.



    Contact Bonnie Mondragon for special needs and ADA accommodations.  ADA accommodations must be requested 5 business days in advance.  Response time is 24 hours.  bonniem@bmcounseling.net


    Certificates of Completion

    Certificates will only be awarded when the workshop is completed in its entirety: sign in, sign out, complete the course evaluation, and post-test (when applicable) for the workshop.  Partial credit will not be given.